Academic Publications
Gerald C. Kane, Anh Phillips, Jonathan Copulsky, and Garth Andrus, “How Digital Leadership Is(n’t) Different.” MIT-Sloan Management Review. Spring 2019.
Shamel Addas, Alain Pinsonneault, and Gerald C. Kane “Converting Email from Drain to Gain.” MIT-Sloan Management Review. Summer 2018.
Burcu Bulgurcu, Witske van Osch, and Gerald C. Kane. “The Rise of the Promoters: User Classes and Their Contribution in Enterprise Social Media.” Journal of Management Information Systems. (35:2) July 2018, pp. 610-646.
Gal Oestreicher-Singer, Arun Sundararajan, and Gerald C. Kane. “The Power of Product Recommendation Networks.” MIT-Sloan Management Review. Fall 2017,
Ksenia Koroleva and Gerald C. Kane. “Relational affordances of information processing on Facebook” Information & Management. (54:5) July 2017, Pages 560-572.
Fredrik Svahn, Lars Mathiassen, Rikard Lindgren, and Gerald C. Kane. “Mastering the Digital Innovation Challenge.” MIT-Sloan Management Review. Spring 2017.
Gerald C. Kane. “The Evolutionary Implications of Social Media for Organizational Knowledge Management.” Information and Organization. (27:1) March 2017, Pp. 37–46.
Gerald C. Kane, Douglas Palmer, Anh Nguyen-Phillips, and David Kiron. “Winning the Digital War for Talent.” MIT-Sloan Management Review. Winter 2016.
Gerald C. Kane and Sam Ransbotham. “Content as Community Regulator: The Recursive Relationship Between Consumption and Contribution in Open Collaboration Communities.” Organization Science (27:5), September-October 2016, pp. 1258–1274.
Gerald C. Kane and Sam Ransbotham. “Content and Collaboration: An Affiliation Network Approach to Information Quality in Online Peer Production Communities.” Information Systems Research (27:2), June 2016, pp. 424–439.
Joshua Marineau, Guiseppe (Joe) Labianca, and Gerald C. Kane. “Direct and Indirect Negative Ties and Individual Performance Social Networks.” Social Networks (44), January 2016, pp. 238–252.
Maurice Kuegler, Stefan Smolnik, and Gerald C. Kane. “What’s in IT for employees? Understanding the relationship between use and performance in enterprise social software.” Journal of Strategic Information Systems (24:2), June 2015, pp. 90–112.
Gerald C. Kane, Douglas Palmer, Anh Nguyen-Phillips, and David Kiron. “Is Your Business Ready for A Digital Future?” MIT-Sloan Management Review (56:4), Summer 2015.
Gerald C. Kane. “Enterprise Social Media: Current Capabilities and Future Considerations.” MIS Quarterly Executive (14:1), March 2015, pp. 1–16.
Gerald C. Kane, Jeremiah Johnson, Ann Majchrzak. "Emergent Lifecycle: The Tension Between Knowledge Change And Knowledge Retention In Open Online Co-production Communities." Forthcoming. Management Science.Gerald C. Kane, Doug Palmer, Anh Nguyen Phillips, David Kiron. "Finding the Value in Social Business." MIT-Sloan Management Review. (55:3) March 2014. pp.81-88.
Gerald C. Kane, Maryam Alavi, Guiseppe (Joe) Labianca, and Stephen P. Borgatti, "What's Different about Social Media Networks? A Framework and Research Agenda. MIS Quarterly. (38:1) March 2014. pp. 274-304
Ann Majchrzak, Samer Faraj, Gerald C. Kane, and Bijan Azad, "The Contradictory Influence of Social Media Affordances on Online Knowledge Affordances." Journal of Computer Mediated Communication (19:1) October 2013. pp. 38-55.
Sam Ransbotham, Gerald C. Kane, and Nicholas Lurie. "Network Characteristics and the Value of Collaborative User-Generated Content." Marketing Science (Vol. 31:3) May–June 2012, pp. 387–405.
Gerald C. Kane and Stephen P. Borgatti. “Centrality-IS Proficiency Alignment and Workgroup Performance.” MIS Quarterly (35:4). December 2011, pp.1063-1078.
Sam Ransbotham and Gerald C. Kane. “Membership Turnover and Collaboration Success in Online Communities: Explaining Rise and Falls from Grace in Wikipedia.” MIS Quarterly. (35:3). September 2011, pp. 613-627.
Gerald C. Kane and Giuseppe (Joe) Labianca. “IS Avoidance in Healthcare Groups: A Multilevel Investigation.” Information Systems Research. Forthcoming, September 2011.
Gerald C. Kane. “A Multimethod Study of Wiki-based Collaboration.” ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems. (2:1). March 2011, Article 4.
Gerald C. Kane, Ann Majchrzak, and Blake Ives. “Enterprise and Industry Applications of Web 2.0” MISQ Executive, December 2010.
Gerald C. Kane, Robert G. Fichman, John Gallaugher, and John Glaser. “Community Relations 2.0: With the rise of real-time social media, the rules about community outreach have changed.” Harvard Business Review (87:11). November 2009, pp. 45-50.
Gerald C. Kane and Robert G. Fichman. “The Shoemaker’s Children: Using Wikis to Improve IS Research, Teaching, and Publication.” MIS Quarterly (33:1). March 2009, pp. 1-22.
Veda C. Storey, Gerald C. Kane, and Kathy Stewart Schwaig. “The Quality of Online Privacy Policies: A Resource-Dependency Perspective.” Journal of Database Management (20:1). Winter 2009, pp. 19-37.
Gerald C. Kane and Maryam Alavi. “Casting the Net: A Multimodal Network Perspective on User-System Interactions,” Information Systems Research (19:3). September 2008, pp. 253-272. Lead Article. Runner-up for Best Paper in ISR for 2008.
Maryam Alavi and Gerald C. Kane. “Social Networks and Information Technology: Evolution and New Frontiers,” in Knowledge Management: An Evolutionary View. Dorothy Leidner and Irma Becerra-Fernandez, eds. AMIS Research Monograph. 2008. Gerald C. Kane and Maryam Alavi. “Information Technology and Organizational Learning: An Investigation of Exploitation and Exploration Processes,” Organization Science (18:5). September-October 2007, pp. 786-812.
Kathy Stewart-Schwaig, Gerald C. Kane, and Veda Storey. “Compliance to the Fair Information Practices: How are the Fortune 500 Handling On-line Privacy Disclosures?” Information & Management 43(7). October 2006, pp.805-820.